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Kaufberatung / Testberichte => Pfeilkauf, Beratung und Testberichte => Thema gestartet von: alex321 am Januar 04, 2014, 11:15:48

Titel: GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: alex321 am Januar 04, 2014, 11:15:48
Apart from the colour are these the same arrow?  Their weights seem exactly the same and their diameters too...

I have just bought some GT trads and would like to try the Ted Nugents...Is it worth it?


Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: elha am Januar 04, 2014, 13:02:03
It looks as if it is the same arrow ... but ...

I experienced that the Ted Nugents were not as stabil as the Trad Hunters .

Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: alex321 am Januar 04, 2014, 14:55:02
Great...You've just saved me some 70 euros... :)


Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: rook am Januar 04, 2014, 20:09:32
Sorry,- I experienced the opposite...

Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: Rockopa am Januar 04, 2014, 20:38:32
Die Ted  Nugent   sind die selben Schäfte wie die Expedition Hunter , nur mit 'ner anderen Tapete .

Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: alex321 am Januar 05, 2014, 00:03:05
Die Ted  Nugent   sind die selben Schäfte wie die Expedition Hunter , nur mit 'ner anderen Tapete .

Danke...Das ist sehr interessant...

I am not sure whether to than Rook...looks like he wants me to spend some money :( :).... In reality, I suppose I must try it myself with a bareshaft test and then to go from there... An expensive experiment :( ... I have time to consider my options..

All the best

Titel: Re:GT Trad Hunters oder Ted Nugent?
Beitrag von: rook am Januar 05, 2014, 02:20:00
Good Luck!  :engel: