Ein paar Tipps:

Ahlefeldt L. Bille, G., Impala, 1937, Gyldendal
Anderson, Fred, The Traditional Way: The Mystique and Heritage of Archery , 1997, TOX Press
Asbell, G. Fred, Stalking & Still-Hunting, 1997, Hunter Image Prod.
Bear, Fred, Fred Bear’s Field Notes - The Adventures of Fred Bear , 1976, The Fred Bear Sports Club Press
Bear, Fred, The Archers Bible, 1980, Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Bertalan, Dan, Traditional Bowyers of America, 1989, Envisage Unlimited Press
Burke, Edmund H., Archery Handbook, 1954, Arco Publishing Company Inc.
Capstick, Peter H., The Last Ivory Hunter - The Saga of Wally Johnson, 1988, St. Martin’s Press
Carson, Don, Early Adventures with Howard Hill, 2004, Raptor Publishing, Inc.
Coe, Cliff, 44 Years Behind the Bow, 1990, Montgomery County Tribune
Comstock, Paul, Hit The Mark!, 1992, Paul Comstock
Comstock, Paul, The Bent Stick, 1988, Paul Comstock
Conrads, T. J., The Traditional Bowhunters Handbook, 2003, TBM, Inc.
Davis, J. E., Ye Sylvan Archer, 1927 – 1943, N.F.A.A.
Duff, James, Bows and Arrows, 1927, Simon Archery Foundation
Duguid, Julian, Green Hell, 1931, Jonathan Cape Ltd.
Duguid, Julian, Tiger Man, 1932, Victor Gollancz Ltd.
Ehlebracht, Peter, Heia Safari, 1986, Ullstein Verlag GmbH
Ekin, Craig, Howard Hill - The Man and the Legend, 1982, Charger Productions, Inc.
Ferguson, Byron, Become the Arrow, 1994, Target Communications Corp.
Gillelan, G. Howard, Complete Book of the Bow and Arrow, 1971, Stackpole Books
Green, Roger Lancelyn, The Adventures of Robin Hood, 2001, The Folio Society, London
Hansard, George Agar, The Book of Archery, 1840, Longmans
Hardy, Robert, Longbow - A social and military history, 1976, Patrick Stephens Limited
Heath, E. G., The Grey Goose Wing, 1971, New York Graphic Society
Hemingway, Ernest, Die Wahrheit im Morgenlicht, 1999, Rowohlt
Higham, Charles, Errol Flynn - The Untold Story, 1980, Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Hill, Howard, Hunting the Hard Way, 1953, Willcox and Follett Co.
Hill, Howard, Wild Adventure, 1954, The Telegraph Press
Holt, James C., Robin Hood, 1991, Econ Verlag GmbH
Hougham, Paul C., The Encyclopedia of Archery, 1958, A. S. Barnes & Company
Hunt & Metz, The Flatbow, The Bruce Publishing Company
Kroll, Charles, Fred Bear - Biography of an Outdoorsman, 1988, The Fred Bear Sports Club Press
Lambert, Arther W., Modern Archery, 1929, A. S. Barnes & Company
Lattimer, Dick, I Remember Papa Bear, 2005, ihunt! Communications
Massey, Jay, The Book of Primitive Archery, 1990, Bear Paw Publications
Massey, Jay, The Bowyer’s Craft, 1987, Bear Paw Publications
Munger, Robert S., Trailing a Bear, 1995, The Munger Foundation
Negley, William, Archer in Africa, 1989, Amwell Press
Ortega y Gasset, José, Meditations on Hunting, 1972, Charles Scribner’s Sons
Paluszeski, Alana, Shooting Star, 2007, Momentum Books, L.L.C.
Pope, Saxton, A Study of Bows and Arrows, 1923, University of California Press
Pope, Saxton, Hunting with the Bow and Arrow, 1947, Popular Library
Pope, Saxton, The Adventurous Bowmen, 1926, G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Pope, Saxton, The Medical History of Ishi, 1920, University of California Press
Pope, Saxton, Yahi Archery, 1918, University of California Press
Putnam, David Binney, David goes to Greenland, 1926, G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Schroeter, Willy, Die Jagd- und Kriegswaffen der Indianer Nordamerikas, 1991, Verlag für Amerikanistik
Schulz, John, Hitting ‘em Like Howard Hill, 1975, John Schulz
Schulz, John, Straight Shooting, 2002 John Schulz
Schuyler, Keith C., Archery, From Golds to Big Game, 1970, Castle Books
Schuyler, Louis, The Complete Archery Book, 1957, Arco Publishing Company Inc.
Shane, Adolph, Archery Tackle, 1990, Bois d’ Arc Press
Siemel, Sasha, Tigrero!, 1953, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Swinehart, Bob, In Africa - with Bob Swinehart, 1967, The Boyertown Publishing Co.
Swinehart, Bob, Sagittarius, 1970, The Gallant Publishing Company
Thompson, Maurice, The Witchery of Archery, 1981, Sylvan Toxophilite Co.
Wensel, Gene, The Best of Traditional Bowhunter, 2005, Woodsman Publishing
Wesley, Bob, Traditional Archery Adventures, Universal Printing & Publishing
White, Steward Edward, Lions in the Path, 1926, Doubleday, Page & Company